What can I say about the past year that has not already been said? It was tough. It was tough watching people go through trials they’ve never faced before. I guess I should back up a second. I’m a school counselor. And it’s one of the greatest jobs in the world. I’m looked towards fixing things. But there was some crazy stuff that happened I couldn’t fix.

Digital learning was a freakin’ experiment in chaos. Students not logging on, students not turning their cameras on, students not turning in assignments…it was a disaster for some. Now for others, it was fine. I have a couple of students who struggled with in-person learning, but for some reason thrived at home on the computer and getting work in.

For the school system I worked in (and this goes for many around the country) teachers were asked to teach simultaneously digitally and in-person. Burn out for them was real and it sucked. As support for teachers, I did my best to let them know I had their back. And I continue to have it as I get parents calling me telling me that the teachers are not putting in grades for their kids.

Kids should’ve turn in their work on time.

Of course, I supported the parents. Many needed to vent to someone besides their spouses. They needed a new ear to speak into and just let out their frustration of their kid not doing work or the fights they would engage in with them. It was not easy to hear, but it was easy to listen. They look for advice, some of which I could give, but most of the time the venting help to release their own aggravation. That’s what I do…I’m there for them to lean on.

Students are my favorite people in the world to speak with. I’m a high school counselor and of course I hear, “Oh teenagers are horrible”, “I hate teens”, yeah, yeah. But you were one to at one point so…just STOP. Whenever you have a student come to your office just to hang out because they know they’re not going to get judged and will only get truth from you…that’s damn magical. The unfortunate thing about one-on-ones with students, is technically, its not an efficient use of a counselor’s time.

I’m like, “Whatever.” I’m going to do what I feel is right.

My best connections are when I can spend time with my kids (my students) and give them the thoughtfulness, the heart, and the openness to come to me about anything. There are some I don’t vibe with, no matter how hard I try. But that’s okay. Maybe one day they will get it. Maybe not…we all choose our path.

What’s is my point to all of this? Why am I going on about students, parents, teachers and where the pandemic has brought us? My point is the resilience I see in humans. I’ve had kids with thoughts of self-harm, turn around and come out of their darkness to pass classes they were failing. I’ve seen teachers go from being beaten down to triumphantly helping their students they can pass their classes. I’ve seen parents engage more with their kids, stepping up to give them the discipline they need.

I’ve seen the pandemic turn people into pillars of strength and perseverance.

Damn, that’s feels good to write.

I’m Thavius Nelson, a proud school counselor.

Thank you.

Hello, I’m Thavius